In Practice

Aus Semantic CorA
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Virtual Research Environment for Educational Lexica Research (VFU-ELF)

The first exemplary realisation of the VRE Semantic CorA links up to the history of education and the analyses of educational lexica. Two research projects are using the vre and its capacities for interactions to address their research needs.

Virtual Research Environment for Student Journals (VFU-PAUSE)

Recently, the DFG-project West German Student Journals From the 1950s and 1960s decided to use a Semantic CorA pilot to test the VRE for their purposes. The project analyzes student journals dating from 1949 to 1968, which are part of the comprehensive collection of student journals of West-German secondary schools at the Research Library for the History of Education (BBF). The project analyses the student journals as artefacts of secondary school cultures. In a first step, a quantitative evaluation of the stock is intended. Qualitative case studies will follow to investigate in how far student journals were established and changed between 1949 and 1968.